Revitalisasi and Fire System Improvement Tangki 4×500 KL
Scope of Work : Repainting & Repair Storage Fuel Tank 4x500 KL and Installation Fire Hydrant
Scope of Work : Repainting & Repair Storage Fuel Tank 4x500 KL and Installation Fire Hydrant
Scope of Work : Calculation and Engineering Design, Dismantle dan Re-erection Storage Tank 500 KL, Civil Works, Pipework, Fire Fighting Systems, Electrical, Lighting, Lightning Protection System, Painting, Testing & Reporting
Scope of Work : Calculation and Engineering Design, Civil Works, Fabrication FAME Tank 3x50 KL, Pipework, Fire Fighting Systems, Electrical, Painting, Testing & Reporting
Scope of Work : Calculation and Engineering Design, Fabrication Firewater Tank Cap. 500.000 Liter, Painting, Testing & Reporting
Scope of Work : Calculation and Engineering Design, Civil Works, Fabrication Storage Fuel Tank 2x500 KL, Pipework, Fire Fighting Systems, Electrical, Lighting, Lightning Protection System, Painting, Testing & Reporting
Scope of Work : Calculation and Engineering Design, Civil Works, Fabrication Storage Fuel Tank 2000 KL, Pipework, Fire Fighting Systems, Electrical, Lighting, Lightning Protection System, Painting, Testing & Reporting
Scope of Work : Workshop Salvaging, Workshop Fabrication Services, Main Office, Warehouse, Canteen, Gas & Chemical Storage
Scope of Work : Mess, Kitchen, Canteen, Basketball Court Improvements, & Power House
Improvements that was done : Steam Header Fabrication for Boiler Cap. 5 Tph, Feed Water Tank Fabrication, Pipeline Repair and Installation, Boiler Burner Repair, Exhaust Ducting & Chimney
Scope Of Work : Fabrication Spreader Beam Blade Turbine, Skid Nozzle Diaphragm Approx, Spreader Beam for HIP Bolt Lifting, Gantry With Rail, Services MPI, Load Test, Sertification & Engineering Calculation
Production costs are expensive because of the high cost of boiler fuel for the production process. Often the design of the boiler system from the start is not optimal.
In general, Engineering Consultant Services are services that provide engineering services in the form of technical solutions in various project…